Diane Barango Therapeutic Bodywork

 Services & Rates

Esalen Massage

$75.00 per hour

Esalen is a nurturing massage encompassing your mind, body and spirit.  Esalen's signature long, flowing, continuous rhythmic strokes connect one body part to another giving you the feeling of wholeness and completeness.  My focus is to address your body as a whole, helping you to release tension throughout your body by working as lightly or deeply as needed.

CranioSacral Therapy

$75.00 per hour

CranioSacral Therapy is a type of bodywork used to detect and correct restrictions and imbalances in your craniosacral system which comprises the membranes and fluid that surround and protect your brain and spinal cord, including the bones of the skull, face and mouth down to the sacrum (tailbone).  The work consists of using gentle, non-invasive touch to encourage your body's natural healing mechanism to release these restrictions and bring your body to homeostasis (balance).

Face Toning Massage

$60.00 per hour

Face toning is a luxury face massage that tones the facial muscles with gentle, upward strokes and includes warm towels for face, decollette and feet.  Your hands and feet also receive nurturing massage as well.